Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Physical punishment

Physical punishment to discpline children is not a good way of bringing up children, most parents suffer from this problem.
In my opinion if you punish your child physically that will make a bad impression in their brains and also this behaviour may effect their own lifes when they are grown up, I think they won't forget it.
It is heart-braking to see these children being upset and angry from this abuse.
Some children suffer some physical damage like brain damage, ears injuries.
According to stastics "Reported cases of child abuse have increased by 63% in the last 10 years and over 3 million children are at risk of exposure to parental violence each year.
There are many ways to discpline children by isolating them from friends, naughty corner, not to go away for a holiday, not to give them pocket money.
If you always hit your children physically, they'll other children, friends, even their parents because they do what they see. It is very hard to understand children what they want, what they think, what they do!!!!!!!!!
If you have any problem with your children, don't hesitate, there are professional people to help you with this problem.
Please don't make children unhappy if they make a mistake teach them, be nice, talk calmly, be a friend to them, always surprise them by bringing them presents that they'll like if they're good.

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